Home National Yoga For Wrist Strength: 7 Best Yoga Poses That Help To Strengthen Your Wrists

Yoga For Wrist Strength: 7 Best Yoga Poses That Help To Strengthen Your Wrists

by rajtamil
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yoga for wrist strength: 7 best yoga poses that help to strengthen your wrists

The word yoga means to connect or unite. To connect with the self or divine self or your soul. There are eight different parts of yoga which include yama, niyama, asana, pranayama, pratyahara, dharana, dhyana and samadhi. When you perform all of these, it helps you to achieve enlightenment. Yoga asanas and pranayama can help to cure several health conditions and manage their symptoms.

There are different yoga asanas and each of them has its own benefits. Yoga is known to be beneficial for several health issues. Certain yoga poses are also known to be beneficial for increasing the strength of your wrist. Here, take a look at seven yoga poses that can help you strengthen your wrists.

Adho Mukha Svanasana

Also known as the Downward-Facing Dog Pose, this pose helps to strengthen the wrists by supporting the body’s weight. When done correctly, it stretches and strengthens the muscles around the wrists. Make sure you’re evenly distributing weight across the entire hand, pressing into the fingers and the base of the palms to reduce pressure on the wrists.


Popularly known as the Plank pose, this asana engages the wrists, forearms and shoulders, building strength and stability. Make sure that the wrists are aligned directly under the shoulders and the fingers should be spread widely.

Chaturanga Dandasana

Also known as the Four-Limbed Staff Pose, this asana helps to build wrist and upper body strength. When you lower yourself, keep the elbows close to the body and wrists stacked directly under the elbows, it helps to increase wrist stability and builds the muscles in the arms.

Utthita Parsvakonasana

Also known as the Extended Side Angle Pose, this asana helps requires you to press one hand firmly into the floor with the other hand reaching overhead. This helps to engage and strengthen the wrist of the supporting arm. Make sure to press through the entire hand, especially the thumb and index finger which will help to build wrist strength.


Also known as the Upward Plank Pose, this asana supports the entire body weight, which helps to strengthen them. Make sure your hands are placed shoulder-width apart and fingers are spread wide. Lift the chest and press firmly through the hands, engaging the wrists which helps build endurance.


Also known as the Crow Pose, this asana requires wrist strength and control. When you balance your body on your hands, the wrists are engaged and strengthened as they support the body’s full weight. Start slowly and avoid overloading the wrists.

Wrist Stretches

Simple wrist stretches can help to strengthen and improve flexibility. Active stretches involve flexing and extending the wrists, while passive stretches involve using the opposite hand to gently pull the fingers back. Both movements help to condition the wrists and prepare them for weight-bearing poses by increasing their range of motion.

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