Elon Musk's social media platform X, formerly called Twitter, is facing significant downtime. Multiple users have ran into issues while using the app. Nearly twenty-one thousand reports have been registered on Downdetector, a site that tracks outages in applications used worldwide.
85% people have complains regarding the application, while 10% have complained about the server connection. The rest are facing issues with the website. One such user, Jesse W commented, "'Updated the app, restarted my phone, tried connecting to wifi, still nothing works…" Another user, Jlipper, made a snarky comment, saying, "Guess Twitter is banned everywhere instead of just Brazil."
All the X users coming to X to see if X is down. #XDownpic.twitter.com/b1fAonxgeY
— Keegan (@Keegan59992745) August 29, 2024
The last significant outage on X occurred in December 2023, when users worldwide were unable to access the platform. Although X did not provide an explanation for the reason behind the outage, services were restored in a matter of hours.
Is anyone else having this problem with X/twitter like I getting notifications but nothing will load so idk if it down @elonmuskpic.twitter.com/o1Ehint1Yf
— godzilla blaze Mr Knoxville (@mrknoxvilleYT) August 29, 2024
As has been the case in the past, it is reasonable to assume that X may shortly restore services.
Instagram experienced a global outage last month, which affected Meta, X's rival. Experts noted that Mark Zuckerberg's Meta suffered significant revenue losses as well as a significant decline in user engagement as a result of the outage. Because of outages that affected some of its 3.98 billion worldwide users across its social media platforms, Meta's market value fell by 1.5%. The loss resulting from this reduction was an astounding $18 billion. Meta Spokesperson Andy Stone had later tweeted that the outage was caused due to a "technical issue" and that it was "resolved as quickly as possible."