Triptii Dimri has been cast opposite Shahid Kapoor in Vishal Bharadwaj's upcoming film. Sajid Nadiadwala shared this news on social media. Vedang Raina, who is rumored to be Khushi Kapoor's boyfriend, described her as sweet like lassi. In the latest update of the film Sikandar, starring Salman Khan and Rashmika Mandanna, they can be seen dancing with 200 dancers. The next film of Siddhant Chaturvedi and Mrunal Thakur with Sanjay Leela Bhansali is titled "Tum Hi Ho". Watch the video for more details!#triptidimri #shahidkapoor #rashmikamandanna #salmankhan #siddhantchaturvedi #mrunalthakur #sanjayleelabhansali #tumhiho #bollywood #bollywoodnews