Home National T.N. to surrender 815 medical and 38 dental seats to central pool

T.N. to surrender 815 medical and 38 dental seats to central pool

by rajtamil
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T.N. to surrender 815 medical and 38 dental seats to central pool

Tuition fee in private medical colleges could range from ₹4.35 lakh to ₹24.50 lakh depending on category

This year the State will surrender 851 MBBS seats to the central pool for which the Directorate General of Medical Services will conduct counselling. The State government will surrender 15% seats to the All India Quota from 36 medical colleges. A total of 38 BDS seats will be surrendered to the central pool similarly.

There will be four rounds of online counselling, including the stray round, for admission to seats under the government quota in government medical colleges and seats surrendered to self-financing colleges, ESIC Medical College, KK Nagar, affiliated to the Tamil Nadu Dr. MGR Medical University and the three private universities.

The seats have been divided into five categories – A, A1, B, C, D – where A and C denote 85% seats in government medical and dental colleges; B and D denote government quota seats in self-financing medical and dental colleges; and A1 denotes ESIC Medical College, K. K. Nagar, Chennai.

In State government colleges the fee structure is ₹18,073; for dental colleges it is ₹16,073 and for ESIC college it is ₹1 lakh. The government seats in self-financing colleges could range from ₹4.35 lakh to ₹4.50 lakh. State private universities have been permitted to charge ₹5.40 lakh annually. Self financing dental colleges can charge ₹2.50 lakh.

The fee fixation committee has provided the fee structure for management seat, NRI seat, NRI lapsed seat, and minority seat in self-financing medical colleges. For management quota seat, the tuition fee is ₹13.50 lakh; for NRI seats it is ₹24.50 lakh and for NRI lapsed seats it is ₹21.50 lakh. In Christian Medical College the tuition fee is ₹53,000.

The three State private universities have been permitted to charge ₹16.20 lakh for management quota seats; ₹29.40 lakh for NIR seats and ₹25.80 lakh for NRI lapsed seats.

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