Home National Signs You’re Holding On To A Relationship That’s Already Over

Signs You’re Holding On To A Relationship That’s Already Over

by rajtamil
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signs you're holding on to a relationship that's already over

Relationships bring a lot of joy in one's life and with it comes many securities in life too. However, some couples do come at a stage in their relationship where they no longer feel intimate with each other and yet they continue to be in a relationship with each other just for the heck of it. It's a scary and tricky place to be when you're holding on to a relationship that's long over. It's almost like you have mentally broken up with the person, but continue to stay put with them for inexplicable reasons.

Listed below are signs that suggest you're in a relationship that no longer feels intimate.

The element of trust has eroded between you two

Trust is an important element in any relationship. If you feel that you and your partner are not able to trust each other, confide in each other and speak to each other in an intimate way, then it is a sign that your relationship has already gotten over and you are holding on to it just for the heck of it.

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You are not able to communicate effectively

If you and your partner find it difficult to communicate with each other, solve problems amicably and understand each other, then it’s a sign that something is majorly amiss in your relationship. Communication is again one of the important pillars in a relationship and if you feel that you are unable to communicate with your partner or unable to understand each other, because of different wavelengths, then it is a sign that you should move on from each other.

If you like to spend time without each other

If you are away from your partner and are enjoying spending time in your own company without missing your partner’s presence at all, then it is a glaring sign that suggests you have grown disenchanted from your partner. It may mean that you have mentally moved down from your partner and are in the relationship for the sake of certain conveniences.

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You don't put in any effort in the relationship

Relationships require work on a daily basis and if you feel that you don't have it in your heart to make any effort in the relationship or do anything to make things better between you and your partner, then it's a sign you're holding on to your relationship that has no substance left in it.

You don't feel like getting intimate with them

Emotional and physical intimacy are two very important aspects of a relationship and if you feel no need to confide in your partner or get physically intimate with them, then it’s a sign the relationship is long over between you two.

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