Home National Secular, Socialist India: Nehru, Ambedkar & Constitution; Truth vs Rhetoric | Beyond The Headline

Secular, Socialist India: Nehru, Ambedkar & Constitution; Truth vs Rhetoric | Beyond The Headline

by rajtamil
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secular socialist india nehru ambedkar amp constitution truth vs rhetoric  beyond the headline

In this episode of Beyond The Headline, Sneha Koshy, the anchor, explores the topic of 'Socialist' and 'Secular' India. The discussion revolves around whether these ideals are a source of democratic pride or if they represent an evolving identity. It questions the extent to which amendments can be made without trespassing on India's truth, amidst the backdrop of political rhetoric. A panel of experts joins anchor Sneha to discuss the topic in detail. "Indian Constitution even without the word secular in the preamble, was a secular document; Ambedkar specifically said so…" says Sr Advocate Sanjay Hegde. Watch the full discussion to know more in details and subscribe to Mirror Now for latest news updates. #supremecourt #constitution #amendment #preambleofindianconstitution #socialist #secular #latestnews #topnews #mirrornow #beyondtheheadline #snehakoshy

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