Streaming platform Aha had earlier revealed that Maruthi Nagar Subramanyam will have its OTT premiere soon. While they haven’t announced the film’s OTT release date, the online streaming partner has now made it official. Maruthi Nagar Subramanyam will premiere on OTT from September 20. This means, the film will be available for streaming online within four weeks from its release. "We got the laughter therapy you need! The biggest family entertainer of the year," posted the OTT platform on its Instagram handle.
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Filmmakers Hope For Love
Lately, concept-based films have been lapped up by the audiences on OTT. And Maruthi Nagar Subramanyam too falls in the category. The filmmakers are pinning high hopes and believe that the movie will get the same amount of love and appreciation on the OTT like how they got from theatres. Maruthi Nagar Subramanyam received raved reviews when it released in theaters on August 23. Celebs like Ram Charan, Mahesh Babu and Allu Arjun lauded the director’s attempt for picking up a wafer-thin line as story.
Rao Ramesh too was appreciated for giving an authentic performance and shouldering the film. Maruthi Nagar Subramanyam is directed by Lakshman Karya and produced by Bujji Rayudu Pentyala and Mohan Karya under PBR Cinemas and Lokamaatre Cienmatics banner. Filmmaker Sukumar's wife Tabitha presented the film and it was her maiden presentation.
About Maruthi Nagar Subramanyam
Subramanyam (Rao Ramesh) is a middle-aged guy who behaves like the hero of his story. His son Arjun (Ankith Koyya) is a youngster with delusional fantasies about having a more affluent lineage and a dramatic past. Arjun’s mother Kala Rani (Indraja) runs the show. Subramanyam one day finds himself a wealthy man. But how does he deal with the stroke of luck? The drama unfolds.