In the latest episode of Newshour Debate, Navika Kumar discusses I.N.D.I.A Betrays India's daughter. Uttar Pradesh police have received the DNA report confirming that former Samajwadi Party (SP) leader Nawab Singh Yadav's DNA matches that found in the rape case involving a minor girl in Kannauj district. While, The Kerala unit of the Congress on Sunday expelled its senior leader Simi Rosebell John hours after she accused the grand old party of having a "casting couch" similar to the one in film industry.#kerala #congress #kannauj #samjawadiparty #keralacongress #simirosebell #timesnowFollow Navika Kumar:On X (Formerly Twitter): Instagram:
Kolkata To Kannauj To Kerala: Rosebell Blows Cong Cover, DNA Matches In Kannauj Rape Case| Newshour