In the latest episode of Blueprint Explosive Exclusive, Madhavdas GK discusses Student of Class 2 Sacrificed in Uttar Pradesh's Hathras. Hathras district police on Thursday revealed that 9-year-old Kritarth, a Class-2 student was murdered in a black magic ritual, allegedly intended to bring success and fame to the school. Five people, including the director of DL Public School in Rasgawan and his father, have been arrested in connection with the case. Watch the show to know more. Stay tunned.#hathras #hathrashorror #uttarpradesh #hatrasschol #timesnowFollow Madhavdas G:On X(Formerly Twitter): https://x.com/madhavgk On Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/madhavgk?igsh=MTg5eWdwMTZ4cndtcw==