In the latest episode of Blueprint Explosive Exclusive, Madhavdas GK discusses Plot thickens In Bengaluru Cafe Blast Probe. Times Now has accessed the NIA chargesheet, revealing alarming details of a terror plot in Bengaluru. According to the chargesheet, the alleged conspiracy by ISIS operatives targeted the Bengaluru BJP office with an initial blast planned for Pran Pratishtha day. A bomb placed near the BJP office did not detonate, leading the conspirators to plant another device at a Bengaluru cafe. Watch the show to know more. Stay Tuned.#bengaluru #bjp #pakistan #nia #bengalurublast #timesnowFollow Madhavdas G:On X(Formerly Twitter): On Instagram:
galuru Cafe Blast Probe: Sinister Pak & ISIS Link Emerge, Probe widens, Plot thickens| Blueprint