Home National Diabetes Diet: THIS Is The Number One Nut For Better Blood Sugar, According to Dietitians

Diabetes Diet: THIS Is The Number One Nut For Better Blood Sugar, According to Dietitians

by rajtamil
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diabetes diet: this is the number one nut for better blood sugar, according to dietitians

Managing blood sugar levels for those with type 2 diabetes requires continuous and constant efforts. According to experts, consuming foods that contain fibre, protein, and healthy fats – known to be nutrient trifecta, helps slow down the rise in blood sugar that occurs after eating. And nuts have all three. Loaded with big nutrition, nuts are small packets of health – especially pecan.

While it is well understood that managing blood sugar is beneficial for diabetics as it helps them maintain more stable energy levels throughout the day, Pecans do more.

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According to experts, pecans have a very low glycemic index – meaning that eating them does not cause a spike in blood sugar – even in those with diabetes. Pecans also offset the effects of higher glycemic index foods when eaten as part of the same meal.

A few health benefits of pecans for diabetes include:

High in fibre

Pecans maintain steady blood sugar with the help of fibre – a type of carbohydrate, which is not digested by your body. It helps slow the breakdown and release of carbohydrates into the blood – helpful in preventing rapid blood sugar spikes.

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An ounce of pecans provides just under 3 g of fibre.

Provides ample protein

Protein breaks down into amino acids – causing a minimal effect on blood sugar levels. And so, eating an ounce of pecans contains about 2.5 g of protein, making it a good addition to other protein-rich foods in your daily meals.

Prevent weight gain

According to studies, a high-fibre and protein diet due to pecans lowers inflammation, heat generation within brown fat cells, and other healthy biomarkers. These nuts increase metabolism and help in weight loss.

What is the daily recommendation for pecans intake?

According to experts, the recommended daily serving of pecans is only an ounce or around 19 pecans.

Apart from their benefits for weight management and metabolic regulation, pecans are also an excellent source of essential nutrients like monosaturated fats and vitamin E. And so, eating a handful of pecans daily helps satisfy cravings for unhealthy snacks and provides a nutritious boost to any meal.

Furthermore, pecans can also be included as part of a healthy diet when combined with other nutrient-rich foods in moderation.

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