On November 14, 2024, a 32-year-old focus puller died on the sets of Anupamaa due to an electric shock. Cops have identified him as Ajit Kumar. The mishap reportedly happened while the man was handling some technical equipment and he accidentally came in contact with a live wire. He was rushed to the hospital immediately but died while being treated there. According to the initial investigations, Kumar may have neglected safety precautions. The Federation of Western India Cine Employees (FWICE) soon stepped in to launch an inquiry into the unfortunate incident.
According to ETimes, the Aarey police have confirmed that Ajit, a native of Bihar, died on the spot due to electrocution. According to Senior Police officials, the accident occurred when Ajit attempted to lift a light stand without wearing protective gloves. The exact circumstances are still being investigated. Meanwhile, initial findings suggest negligence on Kumar's part. A case has been registered under Section 106 (1).3(5) of the Indian Penal Code at Aarey police station.
Earlier, the Federation of Western India Cine Employees (FWICE) President BN Tiwari had commented on the incident saying, "He was working on set and apparently has died due to a short circuit on the set. He touched the wires that took his life. He was fairly new on the job that is why not many know about him. But we will look into the matter tomorrow and will make sure his family is compensated."
The production house of Anupamaa has not yet issued a formal statement.