Home National Conservancy workers handle solid waste sans protective gear

Conservancy workers handle solid waste sans protective gear

by rajtamil
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Conservancy workers handle solid waste sans protective gear

Some conservancy workers said that using gloves made of synthetic fabric did not make any difference and they wear them only while handling putrid solid waste

Conservancy workers cleaning a  micro compost yard in Tiruchi.

Conservancy workers cleaning a micro compost yard in Tiruchi.

A majority of the conservancy workers involved in door-to-door collection of solid waste in the city do not use protective gear while discharging their duty.

While some of them said the protective gear such as gloves did not suit their requirements, many do not seem to be comfortable using them. “The gloves are paper thin. Earlier, they gave us a pair of forearm-length latex gloves, which were safe, but they caused itchiness and irritation. It made our work difficult. The gloves that they give us now are no better, so we don’t use them,” a conservancy worker said.

Some conservancy workers said that using gloves made of synthetic fabric did not make any difference and they wear them only while handling putrid solid waste, though they are warned that failure to wear gloves will attract penalty. Some workers said they prefer cotton gloves.

The conservancy workers are reluctant to wear face masks. A few workers involved in cleaning public toilets claimed that it had been a long time since they were given any protective equipment.

When contacted, T. Manivannan, City Health Officer, Tiruchi Corporation, said the civic body would raise awareness and lay emphasise on the use of protective gear as it was crucial to the health of conservancy workers.

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