The India Meteorological Department (IMD) issued a orange alert in Chennai on Wednesday morning. This comes amid the deep depression formed over the Bay of Bengal. The same is moving at the speed of 13 kmph. It is likely to move forward and intensify further into a cyclonic storm during next 12 hours. Thereafter, it will continue to move north-northwestwards towards Tamil Nadu coast skirting Sri Lanka coast during subsequent 2 days. Due to the expected impact of Cyclone Fengal, all private and government schools in Chennai are closed. Schools in Kancheepuram, Chengalpattu, Pudukottai, Sivagangai, and Ariyalur have also been shut. However, schools in other cities across Tamil Nadu remain open. Additionally, the meteorological department has advised fishermen not to venture into the Bay of Bengal due to rough seas. Authorities have been urged to remain on high alert to manage potential disruptions caused by heavy rains and thunderstorms. According to the latest data on the weather forecasting department’s website, the alert has been shifted from orange to yellow in Chennai for heavy rain with thunderstorms and lightning. Other areas in Tamil Nadu are on red, orange, and yellow alert.
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