Home National Celina Jaitly Calls Hema Committee Report ‘Eye Opener’: All Film Industries Should Come Together | EXCLUSIVE

Celina Jaitly Calls Hema Committee Report ‘Eye Opener’: All Film Industries Should Come Together | EXCLUSIVE

by rajtamil
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celina jaitly calls hema committee report 'eye opener': all film industries should come together  | exclusive

There's an increasing outcry and reaction against the sexual harassment issues women face in the Malayalam film industry. Nearly five years after the Hema Committee delivered its findings to the government, celebs are coming out and voicing their anger

Celina Jaitly, know for her strong opinions, exclusively spoke to Zoom in the light of the startling information that was made public by the report.

ALSO READ: Tannishtha Chatterjee On Hema Committee Report: Everyone Is Scared, But We Can Never Name Them…

All hell has broken over the Hema Committee reports

As it right should. For me the most disturbing aspect of the report is the fact that the findings of the report were made public on Monday (19th August 2024), five years after it was submitted. It was published after several rounds of legal battles in the High Court. Only a controlled report could be released to the petitioners.

So you feel the report’s impact is diluted?

The original report had 295 pages but 63 pages were redacted before its release on basis of infringement of privacy laws.

Should the privacy of these offenders really matter?

Exactly. Should they be protected? What about the women whose entire body’s privacy was destroyed by the offenders repeatedly? This report is an eye opener to the harsh realities of violations of women's right to something as basic as a clean and safe work environment.

What do you think should be the next level of action?

All film industries regional and national should come together to form stringent policies which in turn should be endorsed by law makers so that women can have a safe environment to work in.

Have you faced harassment during your stint in Filmistan?

Who hasn’t been through sexual harassment in India? Almost every woman at some level in almost every profession. The realities of Hema report has outlined that the Malayalam film industry is on another level altogether.

How does the country protect its women?

According to Article 21 of the Constitution every citizen, including women is entitled to the right to life and dignity. Section 354A of the Indian Penal Code criminalizes harassment. The Sexual Harassment of Women, at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal) Act, 2013 establishes a framework for women to report incidents of harassment in their workplace and seek measures to address them.

Does Filmistan need its own Hema report?

Not only Bollywood , the entire country and all industries need this given the growing crimes against women. Even doctors and first rest are not spared in their own work space. Section 354A of the Indian Penal Code must be further upgraded to provide additional support to women across all industries and professions with stringent outcomes, immediate action by authorities and a 24 hour helpline. This would be a good way to start the process of making women feel safe.

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