Supreme Court will deliver its verdict on Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal’s petitions regarding bail and his arrest by the CBI in the excise policy case, today. Kejriwal has filed two petitions: one contesting the bail denial and another challenging the legality of his arrest. The court’s verdict, reserved on September 5, will be delivered by a Bench headed by Justice Surya Kant and includes Justice Ujjal Bhuyan. The Delhi High Court had upheld Kejriwal’s arrest in its August 5 decision, noting that the evidence against him was substantial and justifiable. The Supreme Court had previously granted interim bail in a related money laundering case and referred critical questions about the necessity of arrest under the Prevention of Money Laundering Act (PMLA) to a larger bench. The day’s ruling is highly anticipated.
Arvind Kejriwal Supreme Court Bail Hearing Live: Two Separate Judgments To Decide Fate Of Bail Petitions