The Legend of Hanuman walking into its fifth installment clearly proves why this animated show is one of a kind and continues to remain fresh season-by-season. The Disney+ Hotstar series has grabbed audience attention from the word go in 2021 for portraying the titular character in a brand new light.
So, if Chhota Bheem can enter the Oscar race (remember?!), this iteration can give its cousin, a run for money.
The Legend of Hanuman Season 5: Plot
The Legend of Hanuman‘s season 5 picks up from the recently concluded season 4. Sita is still in the clutches of Ravana. Ram, Lakshman and Hanuman are still out to rescue her.
It's a story we all have seen or heard in the form of either Valmiki's or Kalidas' Ramayana. Then why should one dwell into the series, all the more in its fifth season?
The Legend of Hanuman Season 5: Direction
The show seems to be getting better at its sleek packaging, incredible CGI and finesse. From its art style to character design, the outlining and expressions are on point. Every episode dazzles, either by the looks or in presentation offering a perfect balance of emotional quotient and sharp action. The show scores yet again for infusing life into these animated characters. One needs to laud and cheer for this homegrown attempy by Graphic India.
The Legend of Hanuman Season 5: Performances
The Legend of Hanuman had always impressed with its near-perfect selection of voice-over artistes. Daman Baggan is what one could imagine Hanuman sounding as, if he lived in current times. Standing out one more time is Sharad Kelkar as Ravana. His baritone just eats up every scene, every other character. What a talented artiste!
The Legend of Hanuman Season 5: Critique
The show's non-linear storytelling (could get confusing at times) and few instances of lip-sync going off might just be the only speed breakers. But nevertheless, that can be forgiven.
Be it Lanka or the forest or the pataal lok, every nook-and-corner of the series seems to be perfectly cut-out. The colour palette is pleasing and shines.
The Legend of Hanuman Season 5: Verdict
It's a candy for kids who would might've otherwise missed out on the story of valour and loyalty of Hanuman in a new Paanchmukhi avatar, who grows from strength-to-strength. The new season manages to keep you hooked. No, it isn’t an overdose (with the last three seasons releasing in the same year). We’d definitely want more!