Home National Celebrate The FRIENDS 30th Anniversary With 8 Iconic Meals From The TV Show

Celebrate The FRIENDS 30th Anniversary With 8 Iconic Meals From The TV Show

by rajtamil
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celebrate the friends 30th anniversary with 8 iconic meals from the tv show

“Why god why? We had a deal, let the others grow old not me!” Who can forget Joey’s anguished pleas on his 30th birthday on the hit show Friends, it’s a line that was etched firmly into the collective pop-culture consciousness, and in 2024, the moment has come where the show itself is hitting the big 3-0. The TV show was released in 1994 and grew to be a worldwide phenomenon. Even with its 30th anniversary in September, its popularity has far from waned, and while the celebration is tinged with sadness for the cast, crew and fans after the unexpected passing of Matthew Perry, it’s an opportunity to honour all the show has meant to people over the years.

With stories of love, loss, laughter and of course friendship, the show was a significant part of many peoples’ lives and every moment has its own special memories. As you settle in for your next binge watch there's no better way to mark the occasion than by indulging in some of the iconic meals featured throughout the series. From Joey's love for sandwiches to Monica's unforgettable Thanksgiving feasts, food played a central role in the lives of the six friends we all grew to love. In honour of the day, we’re counting down 8 of the most iconic dishes of the show that will transport you back to Central Perk and Monica’s kitchen, allowing you to celebrate the legacy of the world’s most popular sitcom.

8 Iconic Foods From 'Friends'

Rachel’s ‘Feet’ Trifle

The Thanksgiving episodes were among the most memorable ones of the series, and who can forget the year that Rachel Green decided she wanted to take a place in the kitchen. Whipping up a classic trifle with everything you’d expect – ladyfingers, then jam, custard, raspberries, more ladyfingers, beef sauteed with peas and onions, more custard, bananas and whipped cream. Wait…what was that middle one Rachel? Ross determines it tastes like feet but to avoid hurting her feelings everyone gamely took a bite or two, except for Joey who as usual made the best of a bad meal declaring ‘Custard? Good. Jam? Good. Meat? Goooood.’

Ross’s Turkey Sandwich

Ross may be one of the less likeable characters in the cast, but we all felt for him when he repeatedly had his lunch stolen by his coworkers. He finally snaps when someone eats Monica’s famous turkey leftover sandwich ‘with moistmaker’ – a layer of gravy soaked bread to add to the delectable flavours of roast turkey, stuffing and cranberry sauce. Honestly, we get it, Ross, maybe it’s time to adopt Joey’s no-sharing food policy.

Chandler’s Floor Cheesecake

We’ve all been guilty of invoking the 5-second rule from time to time when a tasty snack hits the floor and you just don’t have the heart to let it go to waste. But when Chandler mistakenly receives a delivery of cheesecake from ‘Mama’s Little Bakery, in Chicago, Illinois’, his will is tested. He and Rachel – in one of the few major plots the two share in the show – start keeping the cheesecakes and they are so good, that even when they drop the box, it’s worth stealing a few floor bites. We can’t imagine what made these cheesecakes so excellent, but we definitely wish we could try it.

Monica’s Jam

Breakups can be tough, and everyone has their own way of dealing with it. After Monica and Richard break up in Season 3, she comes up with a plan, a Jam Plan to be precise. And turns her kitchen into a cottage industry churning out heaps of freshly made jam. As a chef, Monica has made a dozen or more amazing meals on the show, from an army of lasagnas (one with a ring in it) to the yearly Thanksgiving feasts, but it was this jam that became her obsession, until she realised she was spending more money than she could possibly make from selling it and decided to stop. Much to Joey’s disappointment.

Joey’s Meatball Sub

There’s nobody on Friends that takes food quite as seriously as Joey so when he agreed to share his meatball sub with Chandler by way of an apology, it was a true mark of his friendship. From his iconic ‘Joey doesn’t share food’ policy to his Joey’s Special pizza order (two pizzas), he was always ready to try out something new and delicious. But his go-to meal is a classic New York-style Meatball Sub. Herbed meatballs simmered in a tangy-sweet marinara sauce, and sandwiched between buns. It’s a feast for all the senses and as Joey says, “half the taste is in the smell.”

Phoebe’s Cookies

Staunchly vegetarian (except for a brief window when she was pregnant), a little quirky and always ready to try something new, Phoebe always had an interesting story to tell. Like the time she bequeathed her grandmother’s signature cookie recipe as a wedding gift but it got destroyed in an unexpected fire. They attempt to recreate the cookies from taste but are ready to give up when Phoebe reveals her grandmother’s name, Nestle Toulouse. And realises it was just the recipe on the back of a packet of cookie dough.

Monica’s Mac And Cheese

Throughout the show, Chandler has an aversion to Thanksgiving food as it brings back too many stressful memories from his childhood. So even when he and Ross were in college and visited the Gellars for the holiday, Monica would make him a separate ‘righteous’ Mac And Cheese. If that kind of extra thought and consideration (plus the very awkward lead-up to how she cooked it) wasn’t a sign they were meant for each other, nothing was.


We could argue that Friends had a seventh main character – Central Perk. From Rachel and Ross’ first meeting, heartbreaks, conversations, and laughter, the coffee shop played host to all the most memorable moments of the show, along with a large mug of coffee.

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