Kartik Aaryan had a fun banter with his ex-girlfriend Sara Ali Khan at Ananya Panday's Call Me Bae screening. Meanwhile, Anushka Sharma made a surprising comment on parenting at an event, admitting that both she and Virat Kohli aren't perfect parents. Shah Rukh Khan has surpassed Amitabh Bachchan and Virat Kohli to become the top Indian celebrity taxpayer with a contribution of Rs 92 crore. On the film front, Ranbir Kapoor and Vicky Kaushal have started prepping for Sanjay Leela Bhansali’s Love & War alongside Alia Bhatt. Suhana Khan was spotted posing with a look-alike of her father, Shah Rukh Khan. Khushi Kapoor also reacted to the poster of her rumored boyfriend Vedang’s film Jigra. Lastly, Sobhita Dhulipala flaunted her engagement ring, sparking excitement.
Kartik’s FUN moment with ex-gf Sara | Anushka’s MAJOR comment on parenting