Mumbai: In Maharashtra’s Palghar, a tenant allegedly killed three members of a family with the intentions of robbing them. However, after the horrific incident, he could get only a few silver coins that was worth Rs 2,100, the accused told the police. According to the police, the accused tenant brutally bludgeoned the three victims to death using a hammer. After which, he put their bodies in a box, and left in the bathroom.
The Palghar Police has arrested Anwar Ali, the accused, from Uttar Pradesh's Prayagraj. The victims has been identified as Mukund Rathod (70), his wife Kanchan Rathod (69), and their daughter Sangeeta Rathod (51), belonging to Wada area in Palghar. The incident came to light when the son of the Mukund and Kanchan called them multiple times, and did not get any response from them.
The son, who lives in Gujarat, grew suspicious when none of the family members answered his calls. He came to Wada, and entered the house by breaking it the door. Then, he called the police, and stated the situation.
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The police came to the scene, and started its investigation. Aided by a sniffer dog, the officials located the hammer used in the murders and traced it to Ali's residence on the first floor of the same building. Finding Ali’s home locked as well, the police grew suspicious and eventually tracked him down in Prayagraj. Ali has confessed to the crime and stated that the murders occurred on August 17.