Home National 8 Best Beginner-Friendly Standing Yoga Poses And Their Benefits

8 Best Beginner-Friendly Standing Yoga Poses And Their Benefits

by rajtamil
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8 best beginner-friendly standing yoga poses and their benefits

Standing Yoga Asanas For Beginners: The word yoga means to connect or unite. To connect with the self or divine self or your soul. There are eight different parts of yoga which include yama, niyama, asana, pranayama, pratyahara, dharana, dhyana and samadhi. When you perform all of these, it helps you to achieve enlightenment. Yoga asanas and pranayama can help to cure several health conditions and manage their symptoms.

There are different yoga asanas and each of them has its own benefits. Yoga is known to be beneficial for several health issues. Some of these might be standing yoga poses and some of these might be sitting yoga poses. Here, take a look at the eight best beginner-friendly standing yoga poses.


Also known as Mountain Pose, this is the foundation of all standing yoga poses. This asana focuses on proper alignment and posture, thereby, helping beginners develop body awareness. Standing tall with feet together, arms by the sides and weight evenly distributed across both feet helps to improve balance and stability.

Also See: Tadasana Health Benefits

Virabhadrasana I

Also known as Warrior I Poe, this pose helps to build strength in the legs and shoulders while improving focus. While performing this asana, the front knee is bent, the back leg straight and the arms extend overhead. This pose helps you get a deep stretch in the hips and chest, thereby, improving flexibility and endurance.

Virabhadrasana II

Also known as Warrior II Pose, this asana strengthens the legs, arms and core while also increasing flexibility in the hips. The pose involves bending the front knee, keeping the back leg straight and extending the arms parallel to the floor. It helps to improve balance, focus and stamina, thereby, making it ideal for beginners to explore body alignment.


Also known as Tree Pose, this asana is excellent for improving balance and concentration. When performing this pose, you keep one foot rooted into the ground and the other on the inner thigh or calf, hands can be placed in a prayer position or extended overhead. This pose helps beginners develop stability and focus, thereby, helping build strength in the legs and core.


Also known as Chair Pose, this asana helps to strengthen the legs, glutes and lower back. When performing this asana, you bend your knees like you’re sitting in an imaginary chair and raise your arms overhead. It is good for beginners as it engages the core while maintaining balance. It also helps to increase endurance and focus.

Also See: Utkatasana Health Benefits


Also known as Triangle Pose, this asana helps to stretch the side of the body and strengthen the legs. When performing this asana, you keep your feet wide apart, one hand towards the floor while the other hand extending towards the sky, thereby helping your body stretch. This pose also helps to increase flexibility and stability, thereby, making it a beginner-friendly asana.

Also See: Trikonasana Health Benefits

Utthita Parsvakonasana

Also known as Extended Side Angle Pose, this asana helps to stretch the side body, groin and legs while strengthening the core. When performing this asana, you bend your front knee, keep your back leg straight and then lean forward with the bottom arms resting on the front leg or reaching towards the floor. This pose helps to improve balance and stamina.


Also known as Forward Fold, this asana helps to stretch the hamstrings and lower back. When performing this asana, you bend forward from the hips which allows the head to hand. For beginners, this can help ease tension in the spine and legs. It also helps in relaxation while increasing flexibility in the back and hamstrings.

Also See: Uttanasana Health Benefits

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